Pastor Al Hughes, Bible Baptist Church-Letter of recommendation.

Dear Brother,

I’d like to recommend my grandson, Nathan Gregson for your prayerful consideration. After Nathan surrendered as a full-time missionary at our Mission’s Conference last spring he spent the summer serving the Lord in the western Ukraine through the Carpathian Mountain Outreach. This missions ministry is directed by veteran missionaries, Jessie and Teresa Beal.

Now Nathan has been invited to return to the Ukraine for another year this summer to help set up and run their printing press and assist them in producing their own tracts instead of having them shipped in from outside the country. Since Nathan’s dad has his own printing ministry, he has a great deal of experience in this area. He will also be helping in the development of their web-site, graphic design, and evangelistic outreach. Having already served in the Ukraine, he understands the culture, and is currently learning Ukrainian.

Nathan’s ultimate goal is to be a full time missionary to the Ukraine after completing Bible college. This on-the-job training will give him a great advantage in establishing his own ministry for the Lord there in the future.

I’m asking that you prayerfully consider joining our church in partnering with my grandson in supporting God’s call on his life as a missionary. For learn more about Nathan please check out his web-site at

Please send any support you can to Bible Baptist Church, designated to “Nathan Gregson.” Thank you for taking the time to read his letter and pray for Nathan. If you have further questions, you may call me. My cell phone number is 360-710-6760.

May the the Lord continue bless your own gifted ministry as you seek souls for Him.


Al Hughes
